Announcing Virtual Convention 2020!

This season in our lives has been especially difficult and filled with changes to our normal routines. For DBS, we have had to cancel fundraisers, move chapter meetings online, and see each other through a screen instead of face-to-face. Since the first National Convention was held at the Arlington Hotel in 1933, DBS members and alumnae have gathered annually to celebrate the year, work on chapter development, and grow our love for this sisterhood. We were planning on returning to the Arlington Hotel again this summer, but given these extraordinary circumstances, the National Board of Regents made the difficult decision to transition our National Convention to a virtual platform.

While we regret that we will not be able to be together the way we had hoped, we are truly excited for this new opportunity. In fact, we recognize that a virtual Convention provides more accessibility to our members who otherwise wouldn’t be able to attend in person.

Therefore, the National Board of Regents would like to invite ALL members, regardless of their leadership roles in the chapter, to attend virtual Convention. We are offering this Convention to you FREE of charge! Because National Convention is where much of our chapter development work takes place, your participation will greatly enrich your chapter and the national organization. At Convention, you will have the opportunity to:

  • Attend breakout workshops on chapter functions. This is a great time to learn about a committee that you are currently or might consider working on, such as recruitment, sisterhood, fundraising, philanthropy, and more!

  • Gain skills in leadership and event planning.

  • Meet members from other chapters.

  • Participate in our annual celebrations and awards ceremonies.

  • Learn more about the rich history of Delta Beta Sigma.

  • Work with your National Board of Regents.

National Convention will be held from June 28-July 1 through a virtual platform. While chapter officers are required to attend all events, we encourage you to register even if you attend all events. Additionally, we would also like to invite our alumnae to the special events that celebrate Delta Beta Sigma’s successes from this past year. Within a few weeks after you register, you will receive detailed information with digital access details and an email for you and a parent/legal guardian to e-sign a media release form.

We hope to see you at our 91st Annual (Virtual) National Convention!

Love in Black and Gold,

The National Board of Regents


Grand Total Donated to Ronald McDonald House Charities


DBS Takes Sisterhood Online!